our customers

Corporate relocation for top executives

Are you interested in a company that caters to your executives and their families with services that go way beyond packing and loading? Silver Nest has become one of the industry leaders in the City of Zurich when it comes to executive relocations. We offer the finest moving services to your upper management professionals, transferees, and their families. We understand that the transitions made by these individuals are highly visible and critical for the well-being of your company. We have a program in place, designed to cater to the most discriminating executives and their families.



Families moving to German-speaking Switzerland

Relocation is a true family affair. The one person who usually adapts the best and the quickest is the transferred employee. After all, he or she has roughly the same job, with a familiar company, except in a different place. It's a different story for the spouse and the children. It can take months to get settled and feel at ease in the new environment: where to live, where to go to school, where to shop, what to wear, what to say, where and what to eat and a myriad of other cultural issues.


We are here to ensure you can take up work at full capacity from day one, without constant interruptions to deal with the thousand and one domestic details that any move entails. We focus on your maximum productivity by first meeting with you in person or over the phone to define your needs and requirements. Then we will find you a new "nest" that meets these criteria, help you and your family settle in, advise you on schools, administrative procedures and how to best adapt to your new life in a new environment.



Are you looking for complete peace of mind and total discretion? We will handle everything from identifying high end private accommodation to taking care of the daily challenges as well as minor and major details of your life.


Local and Expats who have settled-in already

Are you already in the area and looking for a new apartment to rent, a house to buy or a new office? Our expert knowledge or the real estate market enables us to seek out that unique property and thus, saving you valuable time and effort.